"Japan In-depth"[ジャパン・インデプス]

Japanese Diamonds ~The motivation at the heart of Japan Quality Review|日本のダイアモンド〜Japanese Quality Review の心の奥底から湧き出すモチベーション


Christine Lavoie-Gagnon

Web | Japan Quality Review

“Which direction is taking Japan?” This is THE question I always get when conversing with people outside the country. Well, Japan is going through economical challenges for sure and can no longer deviate the fast track towards population decrease. Mass manufacturing is an idea of the past. Bulk immigration is thus not the solution. So where are we and where are we going, you say?

Japan sits over a diamond mine of centuries-long passed-on knowledge on how to do real quality. Precision techniques that apply not solely to the making of objects, but that even stretch to the way of being, in order to achieve those levels of quality. This is why as soon as a visitor steps onto Japanese soils, he or she instantly feels that “difference”. When you arrive here, you don’t have a physical shock, as the environment and the civilization levels are not far different from other developed countries.

But just the way people act, the way cleanliness and order are kept, the way transportation systems are hyper-complex and still work! It is no magic, no cultural trick.It is about acquiring the know-how, understanding the way of being. Japan knows everything about quality, for products, systems as well all services. And Japanese people are at the same time the strictest judges in the world toward quality. This is somewhat how the country has been able to elevate its expertise to super high-tech levels, in fields far beyond electronics.

Entering this new era in which Japan can now base its economy on the exportation of this quality know-how, whether it is in super high-tech, traditional precision craftsmanship or urban sanitation systems and control, one would think the government is key to promote its own jewels. However, history shows that Japan has been mainly been focusing on its internal giant market for decades, and that the government is not the best spokesperson when comes the time to “show-off” at G20s.

On the other hand, high quality comes with high cost and the small-to-medium enterprises that possess those skills are 100% dedicated to the cause and don’t have the time nor the means to go play global.As the economy can no longer be self-sufficient, there is real danger to see those diamond-enterprises disappear if they don’t extend their clientele outside the country. In this case, Japan would have no bright future for its aging generations.

So who, I hear you say, is going to reveal these precious diamonds to the world? Japan Quality Review is a magazine that was born to take this initiative and it seriously aims at showing today’s real accurate Japan, that is backed with a history of quality, filled with quality people, goods, places and ways of life. It wants to showcase each and every diamond that there is to be shown out to the world and give that little push to help them soar.

The articles are written in a way that even Japanese people themselves can enjoy, so you don’t have that feel of an advert for tourists or investors. JQR is neither a guidebook for expats. It is an online free magazine published in Japanese, French, English as well as both simplified and traditional Chinese, with plans to expand the scope with other languages. There is no particular target, the readers are people who simply have an interest in Japan, and there are to date around 30,000 monthly, from around the world.

www.jqrmag.com(easier access for Chinese readers: www.jqrmagcn.com)

[日本語訳]日本のダイアモンド〜Japanese Quality Review の心の奥底から湧き出すモチベーション

ラヴォワ・ガニョン クリスティヌ






では、この意見に賛同してくれた誰が、これらの精密なダイアモンドを世界へ売り出していこうとするのか。Japan Quality Reviewはこの第一歩を踏み出すために生まれ、今日の本当に間違いの無い日本を見せていくことに向けて真剣に取り組んでいることがうかがえるマガジンである。品質の歴史、質の高い人々、製品、質の見える日本各地、生活様式が豊富に掲載されている。世界へ向けて発信できる日本国内に眠るダイアモンドを是非紹介していきたい、また、読者の希望が高まるよう背中を押していきたい、そんな想いが感じ取れるマガジンである。



(中国語での読書をご希望の方はこちらからアクセスしてください: www.jqrmagcn.com)


ラヴォワ・ガニオン クリスティヌ


カナダのケベック州生まれ1994年に東アジア研究/映画学科で大卒し、その後より日本在住。大手自動車メーカーのアジア太平洋地域広報部長などの経験を得手し、独自の会社を2006年より経営している。海外の映像プロダクション向けの日本国内におけるニュース、ドキュメンタリー、映画、バラエティなどの総合制作サービスを提供している。加えて2011年よりJapan Quality Reviewの編集も積極的に取り組んでいる。東日本大震災直後NPO法人NADIAを創立した人でもある。