モロッコに学ぶインバウンド戦略 その2 「ハッサンII世ゴルフトロフィー」& 「ラーラ・メリヤム杯」

ラヴォワ・ガニオン クリスティヌ (株式会
世界市場でもゴルフは明らかに成長しており、7000万人のプレイヤーとおよそ800万人の“ゴルフ・トロッターズ がいるという。世界の市場規模は推計250億ドルとも言われる。近年、女性や若者のゴルファーも増えていることや、最近の帝国データバンクのレポートによると、今年開催されるリオのオリンピックにゴルフ競技が戻ってきたことなどが理由であろう。
日本はゴルフ場の数が2383ヶ所とアジアの中でも最も多く、中国の473ヶ所や韓国の447ヶ所を大幅に上回る。毎年100近いゴルフ場が破産しているが、近年は安定しつつある。経済産業省のデータによると、2015年のゴルフ場の収益はわずかに増加し、ビジター数は前年度をおよそ20万人上 そのため、今後も日本のゴルフ観光の成長は大いに期待ができ、地方にとっても絶好のチャンスになると思われる。
Hassan II Golf Trophy & Lalla Meryem Cup
Now coming to my main purpose, golf. I first have to admit that I was very surprised by the size of the organization of the tournament, by its smoothness and level of professionalism. Everyone — pro and amateur players, guests and press members — were carefully picked up at Casablanca airport, from the inside area between immigration and customs, given help with the luggage, then driven an hour and a half away to Rabat in comfortable official cars. We all stayed in at least three luxurious hotels from which not only shuttle buses for groups, but also private cars were made available to us at any time we wished to go to the Royal Golf Dar Es Salam course or back.
The venue itself was very well laid out, with a VIP country club, a very large players’ lounge tent, two daycare facilities for players’ and guests’ kids, boutiques, and the press room was equipped with up to fifty computers with Internet, as delicious Moroccan meals were served everyday.
One Japanese player was part of the competition, Toshinori Muto, and to him, “Everything is perfectly in place, from the players’ lounge to the wide practice range and transfer logistics, so we can concentrate solely on playing. we couldn’t ask for better conditions.” Adding that it would be unconceivable to find the same in Japan, where often players don’t even have space to park their cars. Unfortunately for him, a nasty hay fever has spoiled his rather good play until the end of the tournament, not to mention the unlucky rainy and windy weather.
As it’s name shows, the tournament was instigated by the late King Hassan II in 1971. In parallel, the women’s tournament, Lalla Meryem Cup, became professional in 1993. Both were integrated into the European Tour in 2010. Hassan II Golf Trophy Association Deputy Vice-President, Mohamed Chaibi said, “Golf reflects the values of Morocco: culture, open-mindedness, tradition, tolerance and sharing. His Royal highness and his brother Prince Moulay Rachid, continue to support this vision passed on by their father. We are all supporting it as a big team. We all wish that these values continue to spread and get even stronger in Morocco.“
The Moroccan National Tourist Office is the main sponsor of the event, which gathers 144 men and 126 women for a global prize fund of nearly 245 million yen. This year as a world premiere in international sports competitions, both men and women tournaments were held at the same time at the same venue. Pro-Am and Friendship cups were also added to the menu to attract non-professional participants as well.
The tournament has a major positive impact on its local economy. In 2015, it approximately generated 15,148 meals, 5970 hotel nights. 196 air tickets, and involved some 100 craftsmen and 2000 direct and indirect resources. And as Mustapha Zine, Deputy Vice-President of the Moroccan Royal Golf Federation and also Deputy Vice-President of the Hassan II Golf Trophy Association, mentions, “Golf was practically unknown in Morocco back in 1970, when Hassan II decided to make Morocco a golf touristic destination. Golf as you know, attracts investors, governing leaders, artists, and his Majesty has positioned the country in a luxury segment, unlike other countries that chose the lower-range golf tourists. For a same yearly green-fee revenue, some countries get twice the number of players than us. It was to my opinion an excellent choice.” A golf tourist in Morocco spends up to 30,000yen a day, two to three times as much as a normal tourist. Mr Chaibi adds, “The difference now is the power of Internet and television. This golf tournament has become a major communication tool, a gigantic promotion tool for Morocco, in all aspects.(…) According to the National Tourist Office, the segment that shows the most increase in number of tourists in the country is the golfer segment.”
Golf is obviously a growing market throughout the world, with approximately 70 million players and nearly 8 million regular “golf-trotters.” The worldwide turnover is estimated to 25 billion USD. Probably as it is more accessible and more open to women and young people, but also, as a recent Teikoku Databank report mentions, thanks to the return of the sport in the Olympics in Rio this year. Japan has the most Golf courses in Asia, 2383, way above China (473) and South Korea (447). Even though the market has shown drastic declines since the economic bubble, with almost 100 bankruptcies recorded each year, it seems that it is at last stabilizing and seeing a little hope for the near future. METI data show a slight increase of total golf courses revenues in 2015, mainly impacted by about 200,000 more nonmember players than the previous year.
Japan has thus huge potential to develop its golf tourism, which could be a great opportunity for the regions outside Tokyo. Royal Golf Dar Es Salam Director Hicham Berdai mentions “We have about 1500 members and are approaching our target of 10,000 golf tourists per year, mainly from Europe. They are connoisseurs and expect great playing conditions, perfect greens and high-quality catering.”
And as Mr Zine says. “A golf tourist never comes alone. They usually travel with one or two friends, with their families who don’t play golf. Our numbers calculate only what the player spends during his trip, but you can multiply this number by three to five! A golfer is also an agent, who will sell the image of the country. They travel around the countryside and call their friends to let them know how great it is. This type of publicity is to me extraordinary.”
写真:全て(C)Christine Lavoie-Gagnon
ラヴォワ・ガニオン クリスティヌ株式会社CLAGA CEO