[Hiroyuki ABE]A Tour to grasp the Healthcare situation of the Netherlands[Healthcare Tour in the Netherlands (Part.4)]
“japanese version is here“
Hiroyuki ABE (journalist)
Medical Tour in the Netherland (Part 4)
A Tour to grasp the Healthcare situation of the Netherlands, by Hiroyuki Abe.
This is the fourth article of the series of reports. At the Maastricht University Medical Center, the Maastricht UMC, we introduced to a training facility that uses human-shaped medical/nursing simulators.
I got really interested into the Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Full-Body Model (CPR) intended for Basic Life Support (BLS), because of its system that scores the efficiency of the performed artificial respiration, cardiac or chest massages, then sends the results on a screen that creates a competition among the trainees. In Japan, defibrillators can be found in any place where people gather, such as in train stations for example, but I doubt of the number of people who have even tried a cardio‐pulmonary resuscitation simulation. So seeing this, it made me realize the importance of having as many experienced people as possible in each single community or company.
The ER simulation room was very well set-up too. Using medical a mannequin, medical students were asked as a team to find the best ways to organize the environment of the patient. They had to try to put up the most appropriate set-up in the fastest timing. Their trainer was watching behind a window, giving instruction when needed. The simulation was extremely realistic.
So if you wonder about the highlight of this report, I would say that it concerns my visit to a regeneration center at the Eindhoven University of Technology, which is the Netherlands’ most advanced tissue regenerating laboratory. There is fierce competition among countries, including Japan, in this particular field. Especially for the pressing need for a cure to heart diseases around the world. This center focuses its efforts in heart-regeneration for medical treatments. Japan’s research on the topic is said to be the world’s most advance, but here there’s nothing I can show off about.
We were then taken to Phillips and were presented all the new high-tech medical devices. The ones that we saw on the first day of our visit were said to be developed by foreign makers and that these cutting-edge ones were already surpassing them. Healthcare is supposed to be Japan’s pillar for its growth strategy, but if you ask me whether it is number one in both the software AND the hardware, then I become less confident.
The hospital we visited was surprisingly very nice. They are aiming to reduce the waiting time for treatment to zero, the patients’ files are all digitalized and sent to the doctor’s iPad, overall, they are eager to create the most effective system to provide the best environment to patients. At the end of the day, I feel that I have learned one more thing from the Dutch.
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