モロッコに学ぶインバウンド戦略 その3 「ハッサンII世ゴルフトロフィー」& 「ラーラ・メリヤム杯」

ラヴォワ・ガニオン クリスティヌ (株式会
大会ではまた、プレイヤー達にアンケートを行い、運営、食事、地上や空の移動、宿泊先などの満足度について必ず回答してもらっている。サヤ氏は続ける。「基本的に必要なのは良好なフライト・アクセス。宿泊施設の欠点は許されない。それと、またいつか戻ってきてもらえる為に必要なのが完璧なツーリズムセンター です。郊外や近隣都市に観光に行けるようなパッケージの用意などもしておきます。皆大変喜んで下さいます。プレイヤーの方達がゴルフしか出来ないのでは、ゴルフ場−ホテル−空港の限られた経験しか出来ないことになります。それでは悲しい。同行する家族の為にも、常に我々は他のプランも準備しています。」
男子トロフィーと女子杯の結果は皆にとって予想外の展開となった。女子ではスペインのヌリア・イッツリオス(Nuria Itturios)氏が11アンダーパーでフィニッシュし、雨には全く影響されなかったと話した。男子では21歳のワン・ジョンフン氏が同点の末、セカンドプレーオフにて5ポイントアンダーパーといったなんとも予想外だが美しい勝利を飾った。(一緒のメディアグループにいた韓国人記者はお陰で急な忙しさに見舞われていた。)ヨーロッパではまだ無名の選手だったが、今後更に成長していくだろう。
R&A Report: Golf Around The World 2015 (PDF)
European Golf Tourists
When doing a quick search through Japanese golf courses websites, it doesn’t take long to see that no-one is prepared to welcome foreign players. A mere few have Chinese or Korean language options, but the only English I found was to redirect me to the investors’ information. When hanging around The Royal Golf Dar Es Salam, where the tournament was held, I talked to amateur players who made the trip to join the Pro-Am competition or the Friendship Cup, both organized along the Tournament. I found no one who had played in Japan before and the common comment was that they heard there were fantastic courses but didn’t know if they could have access to them. Distance didn’t seam a problem but all deplored the non-existence of information. A French journalist told me his magazine had planned for many years in a row to come and do a special number about what Japan had to offer to golfers, but was denied each time both by the Federation and the Tourism Office as they saw no interest in it.
My thought was that even though they had managed to do their report and attract French golfers to Japan, the poor fellows would have had a hard time to find information on where and when to play.
When I asked the Trophy’s Officials about how they manage the specific needs of European golf tourists, Mohamed Chaibi replied naturally, “By asking them what they would like to do!” He laughed, “You first have to put yourself in the other’s shoes, and when you know what he or she wants, you do what it takes to deliver.” An obvious fact to him but something Japanese too often forget to include in their welcoming preparations. Mustapha Zine added, “We want Morocco to be the host land for Europeans, especially in winter, when they can’t play in their own countries. Around golf, we all have the same needs, the same rules, the same vocabulary.” And to Hafid Sayah, General Coordinator of the Hassan II Golf Trophy Association, “Golfers are globetrotters, they are used to travel around the world. They just arrived from China, they went to the Middle-East, South Africa, so we know that we are going to host people with benchmarks. We have to be perfect. We can’t say we are the best, but we can easily say if they are happy or not.” Here again, they systematically ask the players to fill in a satisfaction questionnaire to get feedback for logistics, food, land and air transfers, accommodations and all the details.
He continued, “At the base you need a good flight access. Accommodation has to be impeccable. Then you need a perfect hospitality center to encourage them to come back again. You have to prepare packaged tours to take them sightseeing the countryside as well as the cities nearby. It is always appreciated. Otherwise a player can come to play but only experience the golf-hotel-airport cocoon and that is sad. We always offer lots of discovery activities also for their accompanying families.“
Language is Japan’s worst fear when we speak about welcoming foreigners. You see more and more initiatives around the country to cope with that problem, but I often see them just as “patching” solutions instead of practical solutions.
I could go through a long list of examples but just during the last couple of days I was twice confronted to the problem.
One was a proud restaurant owner in Atami, telling me he will soon be the first connected to the town’s free wi-fi for tourists. But he was clueless when I asked him how people will be able to order his food while his menu was in Japanese only. I suggested to translated it with simple explanations and to put clear numbers on the side and it seemed to them like a something no-one has ever thought of. Free Wi-Fi is indeed convenient, but if you want your customers to enjoy your establishment, you should do all what’s needed to avoid any hassle. The other establishment was using an online live interpreter, which I found very fancy, but the woman on the iPad had no idea about the services the shop offered. The whole thing was even more annoying to the customer than the common gesture-key-words communication.
At the Tournament in Rabat, they had over thirty nationalities represented among their guests. When I asked around how they managed that, no-one seamed to see that as an obstacle, not even a conceivable problem. Mohamed Chaibi said, “Go to the Medina and you’ll know why it is not a problem for us! Whatever language you speak, you’ll find someone to talk to!” Indeed, Morocco’s history and multiethnic cultural realities have made it natural for the people, even illiterate people, to speak several languages. He continued, “We have interpreters following people who need them as well as simultaneous interpreting cabins for conferences and our printed material is in Arabic, French and English.” I also noticed some Berber titles on the press kit.
Japan could hire seasonal bilingual staff from abroad on its golf courses. I am more than certain they would attract lots of young people willing to learn about the Japanese culture in exchange. They already do pretty well in some ski resorts.
Unexpected Results !
General Coordinator of the event, Hafid Sayah, is clear about one thing: “If you want to bring the best players, he says, you need a great golf course. Even more than that, you need to provide them with a tricky golf course. Our Red course at the Royal Dar Es Salam is a monster!” And this proved to be true. Long courses, tricky greens, strong winds and sudden rains, it was definitely a tough contest. Toshinori Muto, who struggled through the last of four rounds just as much as all players, said “It’s the first time I play on such a technical course. You have no option but to place your ball exactly where it should be on the green.” He adds, laughing, “If you have such level of difficulty in Japan, no one would come to your golf course! But more seriously, the challenge was a great experience for me as a player and now I want to play more in Europe.” The Royal Dar Es Salam Director, Hicham Berdai explained that the Red and Blue courses had been redesigned for the Trophy. The Blue course is generally used for members and veteran players, beginners play on the Green course, as the now famous Red course is reserved for professional competitions.
In the end, the Trophy and Cup results were a surprise to everyone. On the women side, the young Spanish Nuria Itturios finished 11 points under par saying the rain never bothered her. And for the men, making our Korean journalists friends busy, a totally unexpected beautiful win on second playoff after a tie 5 points under par went to 21-year old Jeunghun Wang. An unknown player to Europeans until then, but who is likely to go up even further.
R&A Report: Golf Around The World 2015 (PDF)
写真:全て(C)Christine Lavoie-Gagnon
ラヴォワ・ガニオン クリスティヌ株式会社CLAGA CEO